I hope you are doing well and you and your family are staying safe. Please find below the energy savings using a transpired solar air heating collector to dry your food. Your kWh/m2/Day may be higher in your area making your payback even better. Please…
Our dehydrators are fully insulated as a result heat energy loses will be kept to a minimum, saving time, energy costs and saving the environment. The other day, a customer called to asked me about drying cranberries and how much energy he would need? First…
AirFlow-260 Drying Grains, Coffee Beans & Nuts: Some folks ask me, can they dry grains, coffee beans and nuts in our dehydrator? Absolutely, in fact, all of our AirFlow Dehydrators work great for drying grains and such. With the use of solid flat pans (trays)…
An interesting fact, if you are using un-insulated dehydrators it is costing you a lot of money on wasted energy due to heat losses. The formula for heat loss is Delta T x U x SQFT x Time. Our unit is insulated with the best…
Solar Dehydrators: A solar dehydrator is similar to an electric dehydrator only it uses solar heat from a solar heat source and electricity from a P.V. solar system. The simplest solar dehydrator is a passive style solar green house with a solar driven fan to…
Can you make jerky good for you? Can you make jerky good for you? As you know jerky contains a lot of salt. Salt is not good for you it makes your body hold water and raises your blood pressure. The answer to the question…
Slicing Meat: Slicing meat to make jerky can be sometimes difficult. Keeping the meat cold is extremely important. One thing I used to keep the freezer at 25F -26F is a differential temperature controller called (ink bird). It costs about $50 you can set the…
NOTE: Our AirFlow dehydrators circulates the air as much as 30 to 50 times per minute throughout all the trays. Many times, I talk to potential customers that are using one pass dehydrators complain about their beef jerky not being dried evenly and need to…
Gourmet beef jerky sells for $4.00 per ounce. Using our AirFlow 260 Everyone has their own jerky recipe and drying time depends upon whether you want crispy beef jerky or not. Here is an example of an estimated business budget for a beef jerky dehydration…